Digihubexpert is a prestigious online platform where our team of experts and professionals share their valuable experience and knowledge with our readers through their daily-updated blogs and articles on technology and internet applications such as Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Cash app, payment apps, etc. Whatever query or a technical issue you are facing with your payment apps and social media accounts, here you can get effective solutions to fix those errors with ease.
Whenever a reader visits our website, he or she agrees to our terms and conditions. After agreeing to our rules and regulations, users are free to read articles and blogs published on our site to meet their needs or solve technical errors. Users are able to resolve their technical glitches with our troubleshooting blogs.
On visiting our site, we also collect information or personal details from our readers so that we can easily meet their needs by improving and enhancing our services.
We collect your personal data including – phone number, full name, date of birth, email id, etc. And users do not need to worry about their privacy on our platform as we keep it above anything else.
Digihubexpert takes your privacy seriously and assures you of complete protection on the internet.
With the aim of providing better information or troubleshooting tips to our users to solve their technical issues, we collect some needed or basic details from them such as – Email addresses, contact numbers, names, date of birth, etc.
You do not need to worry about your privacy here as your data is safe with us and we don’t share it with anyone else. We only use your details to meet your expected needs or requirements.
We assure you of the complete security of the details you share with us by filling out a form available on our site.
We may collect your details through our newsletters where you register yourself by providing some required details. In order to keep you updated with our latest technical blogs, you can simply subscribe to our Newsletter.
For this, you will have to provide your personal email id. Another way to collect your personal data we use is through online surveys and forms available on our website. You can register yourself on our site by providing all your basic details such as name, email id, location, etc. We can also gather your information when you subscribe to our social media pages. You can follow our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles to stay updated with our latest technology trends.
We aim to enhance and modernize our way of delivering and sharing knowledge on various technical things so that our readers can get rid of their technical hurdles soon. Through our troubleshooting blogs, you can reach the solution you need to fix any error. Apart from this, you can also contact us using our “Contact Us” page if you have got any suggestions or advice that may help us to work better for you.
You do not need to worry about the privacy of the information you provide on our site as we use advanced encryption technology to safeguard your data. We also assure you of not sharing your data with anyone else.
We are an independent platform, which does not work with any third-party service and we do not claim to be associated with any firm or organization. All the logos, images, and ads available on our site are for only educational purposes.
A cookie is a file that contains information about your online activities. Whatever website you visit on your browser, your details are automatically stored in the cookie file. This file is stored on your computer’s hard disk after you give it permission. Once you accept the cookies or let them to be stored on your system, website traffic is increased and you can see which site you have visited and at what time.
We use encryption technology and various advanced protocols to store personal details securely. You can rely on us for the protection of your privacy. And as we do not work with any third-party service provider or organization, all your information stored on the website is secured and can’t be shared with anyone else.
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